Sunday, January 07, 2007

With friends like these

I went back to the Escola Lumiar site and stumbled over the school's council of friends:

William Ury Antropólogo social pela Yale, professor da Harvard Business School e Harvard Law School, diretor do Harvard Negotiation Project, negociador do Carter Center e autor do livro "Getting to Yes"

Charles Handy Professor da London Business School, consultor em negócios e educação

David Perkins Diretor do Project Zero e professor da Harvard School of Education

Seymour Pappert Diretor do Media Lab do MIT, autor da linguagem Logo e vários livros de referência em educação

Henry Mintzberg Professor de Management e educação, Vice-Reitor da McGill University no Canadá

If I was setting up a school and could claim these folk as friends.... sure Semler has access to these folk by virtue of his business/management practices but this is a classy list of folk by any measure.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

I had the pleasure of attending an Apple conference in Sydney a couple of years ago that Seymour Papert was guest speaker at. I knew I was in the presence of greatness....